human centered design

Another epic fail: My patient portal doesn’t remember me

Last week, I went to the hospital for a follow-up scan. I had my first scan in May, right after an OB-GYN appointment. I was excited, way back then, because I got my first invite to a patient portal. The experience was disappointing and this latest visit reinforced my earlier assessment: The system sucks. I […]

Awesome or awful? Backpack makes IVs more portable

I have only been in the hospital twice (knock on wood) when I had my two sons. I’ve never had to drag an IV pole around with me (crossing all my fingers and toes that my luck continues) so I can’t tell if this new design is good or goofy. I am all about ergonomics […]

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How a hospital would smell if it were truly patient-centric

My husband recently had to have his appendix out. His care was mostly good: The surgeon was excellent and he knew better than to accept the lunch that food service tried to feed him a few hours before his surgery. One bad part of his experience was his roommate. The man monopolized the bathroom, left […]


The Elusive Promise of Electronic Health Records

Rob Girling, principal and co-founder, Artefact Outcome-focused thinking does not focus exclusively on positive outcomes of a design or technology. In fact, predicting the potential negative outcomes is equally vital, yet is often ignored. This outcome-focused approach to technology is what we at Artefact are calling 21st Century Design. We believe 21st Century Design is […]

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Devices & Diagnostics

A healthcare design primer: 5 cool articles that will help you get up to speed

Interested in how design improves life? Check out these three articles to get a handle on how human-centered design could rock healthcare. 1. “Designing Social Networks for Young Behavorial Healthcare Patients” I love this. At  Healthcare Design Magazine, how inviting, home-like interiors and shared creative spaces meet teens’ developmental needs at substance-abuse facilities. 2. “Healthcare […]